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[영어] Dear Abby 3 본문

영어 공부 English Study/글 Article

[영어] Dear Abby 3

보통의공대생 2020. 9. 23. 22:41

Transgender Playmate Poses a Challenge to Girl's Grandma

DEAR ABBY: My 7-year-old granddaughter, "Leyla," has a playmate who is a transgender girl. My fear is that she may find out the truth and feel betrayed by her playmate as well as me. Should I explain it to her?

It doesn't matter to me that her friend is transgender because I have always believed that a person's most important trait is having good morals. I'm an upfront and honest person. However, with respect to this subject, I feel that if I remain silent, it's as though I'm somehow betraying my granddaughter.

Leyla is very accepting of all people, and I don't believe it would change her relationship with the child as long as I explain everything to her about people who are trans. Any advice would be appreciated. -- PROGRESSIVE GRAN IN ARIZONA

DEAR GRAN: Do Leyla's parents know about the friendship? Assuming they do, have a chat with them, as well as the playmate's parents, to make sure you're all on the same page. I do not think you should "out" Leyla's playmate to her. But I DO think it is time you start talking to your granddaughter about gender and what makes a girl a girl and what makes a boy a boy.

At some point, her friend may feel comfortable enough about the friendship -- and herself -- to tell Leyla herself. When that happens, be prepared to answer any questions your granddaughter may have. PFLAG, an organization I have mentioned before in my column, is an excellent resource for LGBTQ issues and will be helpful to you if you reach out. Its website is


원본 :


자신의 손녀딸이 트랜스젠더인 친구가 있는데 이에 대해 말해줘야할지 고민이라는 할머니의 사연이다. 




  1. upfront
    솔직한, 선불의
    여기서는 '솔직한'이라는 의미로 사용되었다.
  2. you're all on the same page
    우리 모두가 같은 편이다. 같은 생각을 가지고 있다.
  3. you should "out" Leyla's playmate to her
    out은 다른 사람이 본인이 원치 않는데도 그 사람이 성소수자임을 밝히는 것을 말한다. Leyla의 playmate가 트랜스젠더임을 밝히는 것, 즉, 아웃팅한다는 것을 말한다.


추가적으로 궁금해서 PFLAG 사이트에 들어가보았다.


1973년부터 시작된 LGBTQ+ 사람들을 위한 단체이다. 깊게 읽어보지는 않았는데 사이트에 들어가면 이 단체가 어떤 일을 하고, 어떤 가치를 가지고 있는지 알 수 있다. 궁금하신 분들은 사이트에 들어가보시길 바란다.

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