Woman Reconsiders Pledge Made to Ailing Boyfriend
- March 09, 2023 -
DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend of four years has been diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. We're both only 51. Obviously, we face a grim reality. He has already tried once to end our relationship to spare me the inevitable, but I convinced him I'm in it to the bitter end.
Now he's accusing his family (and me) of being interested only in interrogating him about his conversations with others regarding his condition. He has cut off contact for the last few days while he reevaluates all of his relationships. I'm respecting his wishes, which is so hard since we have never gone a day without speaking.
My problem is the relief I feel. There are no meltdowns, no angry outbursts, no having to tiptoe around our conversations. Until now, I didn't realize the pressure I was under. My dilemma now is: If he wishes to continue our relationship, should I? His anger is scaring me, and he's losing himself so quickly. He's not the man I grew to love.
I haven't taken vows, but I don't feel right ducking out when he needs someone the most. I'm confused about what to do. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. -- TORN IN TWO IN THE SOUTH
DEAR TORN: The relationship you shared with your boyfriend is essentially over. You stated that his illness is turning him into someone else. You are not his wife, and you are not responsible for his well-being. Talk with his family and suggest they create a long-term plan for his care. He is going to need one. Because the emotion you are feeling now is primarily one of relief, allow this man to end the relationship if that is what he wants to do.
grim : 암울한, 음침한
spare me the inevitable
- spare : (불쾌한 일을) 모면하게[겪지 않아도 되게] 하다
- spare me the inevitable : 피할 수 없는 것을 피하다
tiptoe around our conversations : 우리의 대화를 살금살금 둘러보다
duck out : 책임을 피하다, 도망치다
accuse of : ~를 ~라는 이유로 비난하다
interrogate : 심문하다
남자친구가 뇌질환 관련 질병을 얻어서 점점 우울해지고 달라져서 고민이라는 사연이다.
Grandma Concerned About Young Family of Vegetarians
- March 09, 2023 -
DEAR ABBY: My daughter-in-law just became a vegetarian and she seems to think pasta, cheese and fruit are all that is needed. She and my son have a 1-year-old and insist she be a vegetarian too. I'm worried because I feel like the protein is missing. There's no effort to calculate protein levels, and now she has decided to eliminate cow's milk, although ice cream and whipped cream seem to be OK. I've encouraged my son to add soy and other beans to the baby's diet. He does all the cooking and seems a bit overwhelmed.
I don't live close, or I would happily prepare some meals for them. Is there anything I can do to encourage them to plan the meals more carefully and get the proper protein-to-carb ratio? I'm worried they may be cheating my grandbaby of the needed building blocks of health. I've kept my mouth shut so far, but I'm really worried. Help! -- HEALTHY GRANDMA IN FLORIDA
DEAR GRANDMA: A vegetarian diet can be a healthy one for little ones. Because you have concerns, encourage your son and daughter-in-law to discuss this with their child's pediatrician. Many books have been written about healthy vegetarian diets, and there is a world of information about it on the internet. Explore the subject for your own peace of mind, and encourage them to do the same.
cheat somebody (out) of something : -에게서 -을 빼앗다
pediatrician : 소아과 의사
자기 며느리가 채식주의자가 되기로 했다. 그런데 1살 난 아기의 밥도 채식으로 하려다보니 단백질이 너무 부족한 것 같아서 걱정된다는 할머니의 사연이었다.
나는 당연히 반대할 줄 알았는데 답변에서는 좋은 정보를 찾아보라고 해서 놀랐다. 아무리 콩을 먹어도 육류 단백질만큼 단백질 보충하기 좋은 게 없을 텐데 말이다. 아마 미국은 채식주의자에게 관대한 분위기가 잘 형성되어있는가보다.
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